We solve your doubts
Frequent questions Zumoval Juicers
How long does it take to earn back my investment?
It varies depending on the cost of the oranges and the amount of juice sold per day.
It can be calculated in the following way.
Approximately 1 kg of oranges contain 400 ml of juice. If they are sold in 200 ml glasses, each Kg of oranges provides 2 glasses of juice.
For example:
A) Price per kg of oranges: 1.5
B) Sale price of the 200ml glass of juice: €4
C) Sales per day: 20 glasses
D) Costs per day: €15
Profit/day = CxB - (C/2xA)
Daily net profit: €65
Monthly net profit: €1,755
It can be calculated in the following way.
Approximately 1 kg of oranges contain 400 ml of juice. If they are sold in 200 ml glasses, each Kg of oranges provides 2 glasses of juice.
For example:
A) Price per kg of oranges: 1.5
B) Sale price of the 200ml glass of juice: €4
C) Sales per day: 20 glasses
D) Costs per day: €15
Profit/day = CxB - (C/2xA)
Daily net profit: €65
Monthly net profit: €1,755
Can I squeeze any kind of citrus fruit?
Our juicers have been designed to squeeze any type of citrus between 45 and 95 mm in diameter.
The M kit, the standard, is for fruits with a diameter between 65 and 80 mm.
The BigBasic and BigTop models are designed to squeeze large fruits with a diameter between 75 and 95 mm.
An additional kit, the S kit, is available to squeeze citrus between 45 and 60 mm in diameter. This kit is available for all juicers except Minimax and Minimatic.
The M kit, the standard, is for fruits with a diameter between 65 and 80 mm.
The BigBasic and BigTop models are designed to squeeze large fruits with a diameter between 75 and 95 mm.
An additional kit, the S kit, is available to squeeze citrus between 45 and 60 mm in diameter. This kit is available for all juicers except Minimax and Minimatic.
Where do the peels go?
After the citrus fruit has been squeezed, the peels are automatically ejected into the closed and fitted peel bucket located on each side of the machine.
In the stainless steel models there is a large capacity, integrated waste bin inside the stand.
In the stainless steel models there is a large capacity, integrated waste bin inside the stand.
How can I control orange wastage?
The machine, through its easy and intuitive to use 3.0 digital display, will inform you when it needs to be emptied.
What if I need to replace any part?
We can dispatch any replacement part in 48 hours. You must contact your local authorised distributor or contact directly with Zumoval
How often should I clean the juicer?
We recommend cleaning the machine at the end of the day.
The innovative automatic shower system (optional) has been designed to quickly clean the machine during the day. Additionally it facilitates the final cleaning at the end of the day.
The innovative automatic shower system (optional) has been designed to quickly clean the machine during the day. Additionally it facilitates the final cleaning at the end of the day.
I would like to have a machine but i don't have much free counter space
Our model Minimax is the smallest automatic juicer on the market with a width of just 33 cm.
We also have machines fitted on stainless steel stands, so no counter space is needed.
We also have machines fitted on stainless steel stands, so no counter space is needed.
Will I constantly be feeding the machine with oranges?
For higher juice production, some of our models are equipped with a high capacity (25 kg/54 lbs) automatic feeding system.
Does the machine require any maintenance?
Our machines require no maintenance at all.
What is a good location to place these machines?
Any place where there is a demand for top quality, healthy, freshly squeezed orange juice, such as bars, supermarkets, hotels, cafes, restaurants, gyms, airports, schools, universities, etc.